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Hello Gentelman’s, My name is Karina. I am very open-minded. My body is full of energy and ready for a Showtime. You won’t have to prepare your place or do anything that you wouldn’t usually do. I can take care of every demand that you might have. I hope that you would enjoy some friendly striptease from me. Just let me entertain your body and mind. I am sure that we will find something to do for a long time. I will give you the best attention you might require so don’ forget to select longer time. I love to play and be very neat, the blonde beauty is waiting for your particular attention. I am very flexible and want you to try new experiences with me. I will make the best effort to make you comfortable in any setting. That means that you will feel special without any worries. You can have a perfect girlfriend experience at any time. Just give me a call or text, and we can discuss many options that are more stunning. I am very open-minded. Highly skillful in the arts of tantra, A night with me will leave you wanting more, as you think back to my petite, toned body entwined with youre filling you with desire and ecstasy from this mischievous sensual beauty. If you want to spend the next day with a grin from ear to ear, your energy elevated and your mind clear and relaxed. Only a man of impeccable taste, with an adventurous attitude and a zest for life, would make the most of this goddess, so if that sounds like you call us to arrange a date with this gorgeous goddess!
Hello Gentelman’s, My name is Karina. I am very open-minded. My body is full of energy and ready for a Showtime. You won’t have to prepare your place or do anything that you wouldn’t usually do. I can take care of every demand that you might have. I hope that you would enjoy some friendly striptease from me. Just let me entertain your body and mind. I am sure that we will find something to do for a long time. I will give you the best attention you might require so don’ forget to select longer time. I love to play and be very neat, the blonde beauty is waiting for your particular attention. I am very flexible and want you to try new experiences with me. I will make the best effort to make you comfortable in any setting. That means that you will feel special without any worries. You can have a perfect girlfriend experience at any time. Just give me a call or text, and we can discuss many options that are more stunning. I am very open-minded. Highly skillful in the arts of tantra, A night with me will leave you wanting more, as you think back to my petite, toned body entwined with youre filling you with desire and ecstasy from this mischievous sensual beauty. If you want to spend the next day with a grin from ear to ear, your energy elevated and your mind clear and relaxed. Only a man of impeccable taste, with an adventurous attitude and a zest for life, would make the most of this goddess, so if that sounds like you call us to arrange a date with this gorgeous goddess!
Karina 30 München
Lara 26 München
THE APPOINTMENTS ARE TAKEN 1H IN ADVANCE And I am always available Monday to Sunday H (9h-midnight WITH OR WITHOUT AN APPOINTMENT ON THE SAME DAY) I receive in my bachelor chimney and I move. My photos are 100% real. E-mail: (Aurelie_ Jorda @hotmail. Fr) Presentation : My body is like a piano, the fingers must be agile, caressing the keys, playing andante then allegretto, respecting pauses and sighs; if you are an artist, I would answer you with the most beautiful melody there is and harmony will be present! " I like and I know well the men (and also the women lol), my knowledge say sparkling and naughty to me. Break the boredom, class accompanist I will transform your fantas * es into waking dreams, a kind of thousand and one days with the fragrances of jaspin tea with a taste of honey. If you feel like it, come and join me in my bachelor apartment, a soft cocoon with dim lights. If you are traveling, I would go to your hotel. I could cuddle you in my lair - a temple of desire -. Libertine, I will introduce you to the refinement of pleasure in its raw state. A threesome, doll, distinguished companion, authoritarian mistress, spicy birthday, swinger, I would adapt to your fantasies in a secret between you and me. After all, we all have our dreams, I simply suggest that you realize them "Carpe diem". Map of pleasures: (French kiss; fellatio nature greedy, deep and very soft baomie or ..., Finveuse, Sodition buccale or corporeal or facial, Spankings and crude words (dominate me), Cunilingus, Annulingus, Naughty massage, after the effort. Ps: The curious, rabbit installer, thugs, go your way. I RESERVE THE RIGHT TO REFUSE A MEETING IF I DON'T FEEL SAFE So after reading my ad, it's simple, leave me a message on my email to confirm your appointment. E-mail: (Aurelie_Jorda @ hotmail. Fr) But above all I would like to know in which corner you lived. Because I'm not far away. Aurelie
THE APPOINTMENTS ARE TAKEN 1H IN ADVANCE And I am always available Monday to Sunday H (9h-midnight WITH OR WITHOUT AN APPOINTMENT ON THE SAME DAY) I receive in my bachelor chimney and I move. My photos are 100% real. E-mail: (Aurelie_ Jorda @hotmail. Fr) Presentation : My body is like a piano, the fingers must be agile, caressing the keys, playing andante then allegretto, respecting pauses and sighs; if you are an artist, I would answer you with the most beautiful melody there is and harmony will be present! " I like and I know well the men (and also the women lol), my knowledge say sparkling and naughty to me. Break the boredom, class accompanist I will transform your fantas * es into waking dreams, a kind of thousand and one days with the fragrances of jaspin tea with a taste of honey. If you feel like it, come and join me in my bachelor apartment, a soft cocoon with dim lights. If you are traveling, I would go to your hotel. I could cuddle you in my lair - a temple of desire -. Libertine, I will introduce you to the refinement of pleasure in its raw state. A threesome, doll, distinguished companion, authoritarian mistress, spicy birthday, swinger, I would adapt to your fantasies in a secret between you and me. After all, we all have our dreams, I simply suggest that you realize them "Carpe diem". Map of pleasures: (French kiss; fellatio nature greedy, deep and very soft baomie or ..., Finveuse, Sodition buccale or corporeal or facial, Spankings and crude words (dominate me), Cunilingus, Annulingus, Naughty massage, after the effort. Ps: The curious, rabbit installer, thugs, go your way. I RESERVE THE RIGHT TO REFUSE A MEETING IF I DON'T FEEL SAFE So after reading my ad, it's simple, leave me a message on my email to confirm your appointment. E-mail: (Aurelie_Jorda @ hotmail. Fr) But above all I would like to know in which corner you lived. Because I'm not far away. Aurelie
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Que es una Escorts?

ESCORTS & Acompañantes / ESCORTS

Que es ser ESCORTS

Definicion ESCORTS

¿Qué es un/una ESCORTS?

Explicamos las características de las personas que se dedican a ser escort y apuntamos algunos datos sobre la prostitución. Escort El término escort puede referirse: a un(a) escolta; a una chica de compañía.

¿Qué es una ‘escort’ exactamente?

Una reflexión sobre una de las profesiones más estigmatizadas, vinculada a la prostitución. El sexo es uno de los placeres de la vida más ancestrales, y no es de extrañar que exista un gran negocio en torno a esta práctica. Uno de estos negocios es el de la prostitución, considerada como una de las profesiones más antiguas del mundo, básicamente porque la herramienta de trabajo no tiene por qué pasar por un refinamiento tecnológico: es el propio cuerpo. Aunque la prostitución es legal muchos países, no lo son algunas de las prácticas, por ejemplo, la captación de clientes en la calle. Esta profesión no goza de gran aceptación social y suele desprestigiarse, eso sí, más a las personas que comercian con su cuerpo que a las mafias que muchas veces hay detrás de ellas. La estigmatización que cargan estas personas forma parte del negocio y del tipo de producto ofrecido. Fruto de esta estigmatización, en los últimos tiempos se ha hecho popular el término escort o prostituta de lujo (o alto standing) que goza de mejor reputación que las prostitutas clásicas. ¿Qué significa exactamente esta cambio de "etiqueta"?

La prostitución es una práctica ancestral

La prostitución es el intercambio de "favores sexuales" por bienes generalmente dinero, y se practica desde la antigüedad. En la antigua Mesopotamia, los sacerdotes tenían relaciones sexuales con prostitutas. En la antigua Grecia, los burdeles eran legales y se utilizaban para atender a los líderes políticos y aquellos hombres que gozaban de privilegios. La prostitución también era común en la antigua Roma, y en general consistía en el comercio de mujeres. Durante la Edad Media y durante el siglo XIX, la prostitución no era nada extraño, pues los burdeles legales operaban en gran parte de Europa y eran una fuente importante de ingresos fiscales. Hoy en día, la prostitución es legal en muchos países; sin embargo, el estigma social sigue existiendo. Como veremos, este estigma sirve para entender la existencia de las ESCORTS desde un punto de vista psicológico.

Diferencias entre ESCORTS y prostitutas

Muchas veces, cuando pensamos en las prostitutas, podemos imaginarnos a una mujer que tiene sexo para pagarse su adicción a las drogas o porque se encuentra en una situación de precariedad. En definitiva, esta práctica está históricamente unida a la pobreza y las personas más vulnerables, en la gran mayoría de los casos, o directamente a la esclavitud. No obstante, la figura de las ESCORTS pretende romper con estas ideas y creencias acerca de esta clase de trabajadoras y trabajadores del sexo. El concepto ‘escort’ se asocia a mujeres de una gran belleza, muchas con estudios, y capaces de ofrecer interesantes conversaciones o incluso actuar como acompañantes para ciertos eventos sociales. La idea es, básicamente, ir más allá del acto sexual en sí mismo a la hora de vender el cuerpo; el servicio incluye la posibilidad de experimentar algo parecido a una relación afectiva real. No todo el mundo tiene muy clara la diferencia entre escort y prostituta, puesto que pueden ofrecer servicios similares (aunque no idénticos). Básicamente, las (o los) ESCORTS suelen realizar servicios que una prostituta o prostituto no realiza. Las prostitutas suelen cobrar menos, y sus servicios están íntimamente relacionados con la práctica sexual. En el caso de las ESCORTS, pueden tener relaciones sexuales con los clientes, pero también pueden simplemente acompañarles a eventos, fiestas o viajes de negocios. Posiblemente, la principal diferencia entre prostitutas y ESCORTS es que éstas últimas pueden realizar servicios de acompañante, es decir, que pueden acudir a eventos sociales con sus clientes. Dicho de otro modo, no limitan sus trabajos a una o dos horas, sino a noches enteras, días, e incluso fines de semanas. En ocasiones, pueden viajar con sus clientes durante varios días y pueden o no tener relaciones sexuales. Es decir, una escort una acompañante remunerada y no necesariamente tiene sexo con sus clientes. El precio de una escort suele ser más caro, y esto ya indica el tipo de carga psicológica que tiene el concepto de escort y de qué manera se relaciona con el estigma.

El estigma que explica esta profesión

Como hemos visto, tanto la prostitución como la práctica de las y los ESCORTS pertenece al ámbito de trabajadoras del sexo. Sin embargo, lo que dice más acerca de lo que es una escort es el hecho de que es un servicio planteado simplemente para diferenciarse de la prostitución, un ámbito en el que hay una gran diversidad de prácticas sin necesidad de que cada persona se distinga utilizando una etiqueta diferente para explicar su trabajo. Es decir, que técnicamente, entre el trabajo de una prostituta y una escort no hay diferencias que no se puedan encontrar entre dos trabajadoras del sexo al azar. La diferencia entre estas dos profesiones tiene que ver con el clasismo. Básicamente, la escort es una persona pasada por un filtro de marketing que mantiene fuera todos los elementos de la prostitución vinculados a la pobreza: precariedad, ignorancia, etc. Esto hace que el estigma ligado a la prostitución se perpetúe (por algo la única forma de huir de él es no ser de clase baja) y a la vez sirve para dar la sensación de que la escort ha tenido total libertad a la hora de aceptar y rechazar clientes, algo que la acerca más a una pareja real.

¿Qué es una escort? Una cuestión de clasismo

Para contratar una escort, lo habitual es acudir a alguna página de contactos (normalmente en internet), en las que queda claro que intentan dar una buena imagen para seducir a los hombres con un poder adquisitivo elevado: las ESCORTS son consideradas prostitutas de alto standing. Las prostitutas tradicionales, aunque también pueden anunciar sus servicios en internet o en páginas de contacto y desplazarse hasta el hogar del cliente, pueden encontrarse ofertando sus servicios en plena calle, en la carretera y en “clubs”. Estas son prácticas asociadas a las clases más bajas, y aunque durante siglos eso no ha supuesto ningún problema para que los más adinerados recurran a ellas, la aparición de los derechos humanos y el rechazo de las formas encubiertas de esclavitud han hecho que el estigma pueda ser birireccional: para las prostitutas y para quienes contratan sus servicios. Ante esto, el mecanismo de protección de las personas con recursos ha sido utilizar el clasismo, crear otra profesión a partir de lo que hace siglos que se conoce. Las ESCORTS, al ser caras y refinadas, actúan como un muro de contención del estigma, haciendo que este vuelva a situarse solamente en las personas que no pueden pagarse la libertad de transformarse en prostitutas de lujo. La reacción ante la violación de los derechos humanos que supone el tráfico de mujeres y la explotación por las mafias no es terminar materialmente con el problema, sino cambiarle el nombre a los servicios que uno mismo contrata.

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Hello Gentelman’s, My name is Karina. I am very open-minded. My body is full of energy and ready for a Showtime. You won’t have to prepare your place or do anything that you wouldn’t usually do. I can take care of every demand that you might have. I hope that you would enjoy some friendly striptease from me. Just let me entertain your body and mind. I am sure that we will find something to do for a long time. I will give you the best attention you might require so don’ forget to select longer time. I love to play and be very neat, the blonde beauty is waiting for your particular attention. I am very flexible and want you to try new experiences with me. I will make the best effort to make you comfortable in any setting. That means that you will feel special without any worries. You can have a perfect girlfriend experience at any time. Just give me a call or text, and we can discuss many options that are more stunning. I am very open-minded. Highly skillful in the arts of tantra, A night with me will leave you wanting more, as you think back to my petite, toned body entwined with youre filling you with desire and ecstasy from this mischievous sensual beauty. If you want to spend the next day with a grin from ear to ear, your energy elevated and your mind clear and relaxed. Only a man of impeccable taste, with an adventurous attitude and a zest for life, would make the most of this goddess, so if that sounds like you call us to arrange a date with this gorgeous goddess!
Hello Gentelman’s, My name is Karina. I am very open-minded. My body is full of energy and ready for a Showtime. You won’t have to prepare your place or do anything that you wouldn’t usually do. I can take care of every demand that you might have. I hope that you would enjoy some friendly striptease from me. Just let me entertain your body and mind. I am sure that we will find something to do for a long time. I will give you the best attention you might require so don’ forget to select longer time. I love to play and be very neat, the blonde beauty is waiting for your particular attention. I am very flexible and want you to try new experiences with me. I will make the best effort to make you comfortable in any setting. That means that you will feel special without any worries. You can have a perfect girlfriend experience at any time. Just give me a call or text, and we can discuss many options that are more stunning. I am very open-minded. Highly skillful in the arts of tantra, A night with me will leave you wanting more, as you think back to my petite, toned body entwined with youre filling you with desire and ecstasy from this mischievous sensual beauty. If you want to spend the next day with a grin from ear to ear, your energy elevated and your mind clear and relaxed. Only a man of impeccable taste, with an adventurous attitude and a zest for life, would make the most of this goddess, so if that sounds like you call us to arrange a date with this gorgeous goddess!
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Hello Gentelman’s, My name is Karina. I am very open-minded. My body is full of energy and ready for a Showtime. You won’t have to prepare your place or do anything that you wouldn’t usually do. I can take care of every demand that you might have. I hope that you would enjoy some friendly striptease from me. Just let me entertain your body and mind. I am sure that we will find something to do for a long time. I will give you the best attention you might require so don’ forget to select longer time. I love to play and be very neat, the blonde beauty is waiting for your particular attention. I am very flexible and want you to try new experiences with me. I will make the best effort to make you comfortable in any setting. That means that you will feel special without any worries. You can have a perfect girlfriend experience at any time. Just give me a call or text, and we can discuss many options that are more stunning. I am very open-minded. Highly skillful in the arts of tantra, A night with me will leave you wanting more, as you think back to my petite, toned body entwined with youre filling you with desire and ecstasy from this mischievous sensual beauty. If you want to spend the next day with a grin from ear to ear, your energy elevated and your mind clear and relaxed. Only a man of impeccable taste, with an adventurous attitude and a zest for life, would make the most of this goddess, so if that sounds like you call us to arrange a date with this gorgeous goddess!
Hello Gentelman’s, My name is Karina. I am very open-minded. My body is full of energy and ready for a Showtime. You won’t have to prepare your place or do anything that you wouldn’t usually do. I can take care of every demand that you might have. I hope that you would enjoy some friendly striptease from me. Just let me entertain your body and mind. I am sure that we will find something to do for a long time. I will give you the best attention you might require so don’ forget to select longer time. I love to play and be very neat, the blonde beauty is waiting for your particular attention. I am very flexible and want you to try new experiences with me. I will make the best effort to make you comfortable in any setting. That means that you will feel special without any worries. You can have a perfect girlfriend experience at any time. Just give me a call or text, and we can discuss many options that are more stunning. I am very open-minded. Highly skillful in the arts of tantra, A night with me will leave you wanting more, as you think back to my petite, toned body entwined with youre filling you with desire and ecstasy from this mischievous sensual beauty. If you want to spend the next day with a grin from ear to ear, your energy elevated and your mind clear and relaxed. Only a man of impeccable taste, with an adventurous attitude and a zest for life, would make the most of this goddess, so if that sounds like you call us to arrange a date with this gorgeous goddess!
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